Dulwich Montessori Nursery School is situated in a beautiful and light Church Hall.


There is a large classroom, kitchen, toilets and a nappy changing area within the building, which are all beautifully decorated with colourful themes. There is a newly refurbished free flow outdoor play area.


A large inventory of Montessori learning equipment is maintained in storage cupboards within the classrooms, and books, toys and art & craft materials are all available for the wide and varied curriculum of Dulwich Montessori Nursery School.

The materials are attractively arranged on individual trays or in baskets which are placed on low shelves, making them easily accessible to the children. Children in various developmental stages can find work to meet their needs and abilities. Children feel no need for competition, and socialization takes place naturally and pleasurably. The age range of the children leads to peer teaching which fosters a positive self-image.